
Easily find the people and information you need with a single search across all the content in your Roundtable spaces. Accessed via the top of your screen, you can easily search for posts, comments, resources, members, and events. 

Search functionality includes:

  • Search file contents: Text contained within resources are automatically searchable, making it even easier to find what you’re looking for. Works for all major file types (PDFs, Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, etc.).
  • Search text within image files: Text content contained within images is searchable. This works for slanted text, colored text, tiny text, blurry text, and other languages. 
  • Automatic audio/video transcription: Audio contained in audio and video files is automatically transcribed and searchable.
  • Live-searching: Google-like live searching, with results appearing as you type.
  • Intelligent ranking: Ensures that users receive the most pertinent information at the top of their search results.
  • Highlighted matching criteria: Understand why a search result is recommended, saving you valuable time from going down the wrong path.
  • Typo handling and fuzzy matching: Corrects spelling errors and recognizes similar terms, ensuring accurate search results even with misspelled or approximate queries.
  • Past searches: Access their previous search queries, enhancing convenience and continuity in their information retrieval process.

Searches match on the following criteria:

  • Posts: title, body, tag
  • Comments: body
  • Resources: title, file name, tag, description, file contents
  • Members: name, job title, organization name, skills, interests
  • Events: title, body

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